Lidija Sazdovska

Born in Belgrade – Serbia. Graduated in Faculty of Fine Art in Begrade.
In accordance with her personal character, the author managed to create
production which make her recognizable making her own temperament and creative affinity similar or close to the aesthetic stands and those, which not only visually but in a wider sense also correspond with some well-know analogous accomplishments.

The lengthened stylized portraits and half- figures in specific sometimes illogical “twisted forced” gracious slim female bodies are carefully incorporated in characteristically poetic intimate atmosphere, occasionally broken with dynamic, energetic paint –strokes harmonious rhythms of cold and warm tones, or even exciting relief layers of dense pastiche drifts which range from accords to intensive colorful stresses.
It is obvious that her sensible and specific harmonious artistic character creates works with a special sense for attractive and impressionable results, thus avoiding falling into easy liking.



  • 1988 Skopje, Macedonia/Gallery of JNA , solo exhibition
  • 1988 Zrenanjin, Serbia/ International Art Colony
  • 1999 Shtum –Barlevice, Poland/International Art Colony
  • 2001Bitola, Macedonia /International Art Colony
  • 2001 Skopje, Mcedonia/ Daut Pashin Aman Gallery
  • 2002 Tessaloniki, Greece/Interbalkans Forum of Miniature Art


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